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Customer Service & Supervisor Training with Chris Nunes Sessions

Customer Service

Session 1

Just think about the last time you had a bad experience with a store, service, or product. Did you wonder why? If you really think about it, all negative experiences boil down to one thing, a lack of customer service. Sometimes customers can be difficult, but no matter what their attitude or reasoning we should welcome the opportunity to find out why, and use that information to improve our programs and services. This session will provide information on types of customers you will encounter, tips for how to deal with customer types and an overall plan on how to improve customer service at your agency.

Consumer Behavior

Session 2

The parks and recreation consumer is a sharp individual who basis their decision making on whether to consumer your program, service or facility in a number of different factors. Consumer behavior if s a complex interplay of psychological, social, cultural, and economic factors. Understanding these factors will enable the parks and recreation professional to deliver relevant and sustainable programs, event and facilities.

The Supervisor as a Coach/Trainer

Session 3

Superior knowledge and experience don’t always translate into the ability to teach others. And though the role of trainer is one of the most important duties you fill as a supervisor, there’s a good chance you’ve never had any training in it. It’s perfectly normal—despite being a crucial part of your job, a manager’s role as teacher is often overlooked. This session will cover strategies and expert techniques to help you train your staff more effectively, improving their efficiency and making you a better overall manager.

Expense Management: Reducing Cost but Not Quality

Session 4

Expense management for our programs and facilities is an essential skill for any recreation and sport agency. Participants will gain knowledge in the various methods in which to reduce costs through a variety of tips, tricks and techniques which range for supplies to staff. Specific attention will be paid to programs and facility management and how to ensure that these savings can be sustained over the long term. Most importantly participants will have the ability to reduce their cost of providing a service which can result in more profit or the ability to continue their vital services.
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